
February 24th, 2011 -- "Generation, Loudmouth"

February 24th, 2011 -- "Generation, Loudmouth"

"This is not coffee. You want coffee? You want coffee? This is not coffee. Granted, it's winter. I'll give them that. I'll give you that. It's cold, getting the right stuff is difficult, but there are better options. There are better options for a bit more money, but what's money anyways? Money is an institution that defies the great tastes of the world. Better to be rid of the bucks in the winter and to be full of hot coffee.

Know what I mean? It's tough. Pass me one of those napkins..."



February 22nd, 2011 -- "Murray, Friend of the Land"

"Murray, Friend of the Land"


A warm day in the summer when the sea breeze from the west rides calm in straight lines and the pollen blends with air to create the healthy smell of sunlight. A warm day where the soft, short grass in the yards of all stands on end in the hot air, in a multitude, paying homage to last week's morning rainstorms. From below, the electric cloud pop of the sky reaches up and away, pushing the black and the steel-cold of space to the very edge of things with a very soft, flexing blue the color of a young robin's egg.

In the land of giants, it is Murray, and no other, who sits with nature at the table of friendship.



February 3rd, 2011 -- "3:44PM, Geranium observation #1, late winter, 2011"

"3:44PM, Geranium observation #1, late winter, 2011"

"Damp, white, red, pink petals chilling in a literal sense against a thin pane of storm glass. The natural press of a plants reach. Many chunky leaves with a fine, grown fur. Fine fur like a kiwi, like soft skin smelling like organic, chemical life. A miniature forest of lime green, the slender stems giving way near the base to rough casings of hard, bending, plant branches. The tray sitting wide with many planters, small boxes of black plastic, dusty with light brown potter's soil. Yellowing, dead leaves dropped flat in piles in the dirt. Dirt taking leaves to make them part of the system of the room. The sill covered in water spots. The watering can, an empty soda bottle. "
